
1. Definition
You should always seek to be honest and complete your own work. You will be evaluated based upon your work and should avoid academic dishonesty and misconduct in all its forms.   
Academic misconduct includes:
  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Falsification/fabrication
  • Uploading, Sharing or Seeking Course Content
  • Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Any other academic misconduct. 
If you have any questions regarding policies, please see the policy section of your syllabus or view this link
Would you like to report academic misconduct? 
If yes, create a ticket to Student Wellness 
you can also refer to the Student Wellness Website
2. Cheating
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Copying from another person’s work or allowing someone to copy work that is not their own
  • Using unauthorized materials during an examination or while completing an assignment
  • Collaborating on an examination or assignment without authorization
  • Taking an examination or completing an assignment for another, or permitting another to take an examination or to complete an assignment that is not his or her own 
Would you like to report cheating? 
If yes, create a ticket to Student Wellness 
3. Plagiarism
Plagiarism may occur with respect to unpublished as well as published material. Examples include:
  • Direct Plagiarism: copying others’ ideas, words, or data without citing, quoting, or referencing the author or source
  • Incidental (accidental) plagiarism: this happens when a student uses another person’s words, ideas, or data, but does not cite, quote, or reference them appropriately
  • Paraphrased Plagiarism: this happens when a student uses his or her own words to describe ideas, words, or data from another person or source without citing or referencing that person or source
  • Plagiarism Mosaic: this happens when students borrow words, ideas, or data from another person or source. Then the student combines those words, ideas, or data into his or her own writing without citing or referencing the original author or source
  • Insufficient Acknowledgment: partial or incomplete referencing of another person or source when borrowing words, ideas, or data from that person or source 
Would you like to report plagiarism? 
If yes, create a ticket to Student Wellness 
4. Illegal Distribution
Streaming, uploading, or distributing PathwayConnect course content online to unfairly grant access to those not enrolled in the program is prohibited. This includes lessons, videos, or course assignments. 
You may upload assignments you have completed for your courses if you would like to post the content on a blog or similar platform. You may not include any affiliation to PathwayConnect and your course assignment information when posting content. 
5. Fabrication or Falsification
Fabrication or Falsification is creating false or fake information from an original source or author. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Citing a source that does not exist
  • Creating fake information, words, or data and attributing them to an official author or source
  • Stating that results come from an author or source when the original author or source did not claim those results
  • Citing an author or source in a reference section or bibliography section when the author or source is not referenced in the assignment
  • Purposefully changing the meaning or application of data, words, or information from another source or author
  • Creating fake data or results to support conclusions 
Would you like to report fabrication or falsification? 
If yes, create a ticket to Student Wellness
Generative AI is a broad term for a suite of tools that utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to create novel
content. Generative AI (e.g., Chat GPT) can be a powerful tool to assist students in their schoolwork (e.g., idea generation, information gathering, etc.). However, the use of Generative AI tools must not violate the essential learning outcomes of an assignment or course. 
Would you like to report generative AI? 
If yes, create a ticket to Student Wellness
7. Other Academic Misconduct
Includes the following:
  • Inappropriately providing or receiving information or academic work so as to gain an unfair advantage over others
  • Planning with another to commit any act of academic dishonesty
  • Attempting to gain an unfair academic advantage for yourself or another by bribery or by any act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to another for such purpose
  • Changing or altering grades or other official educational records
  • Obtaining or providing to another a test or answers to a test that has not been administered
  • Breaking and entering a building or office for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized materials
  • Continuing work on an examination or assignment after the allocated time has elapsed
  • Submitting the same work for more than one class without disclosure and approval
  • Getting equal credit on group assignments when equal work was not done  
  • Falsely reporting gathering attendance
  • Purchasing or acquiring assignments from others or websites
Would you like to report another form of misconduct? 
If yes, create a ticket to Student Wellness 