You are able to update your privacy settings in which may limit how much BYU-Pathway Support Center can help you.
If you would like to change your confidentiality settings, you can do the following:
  • Log on to
  • Find your name in the upper right-hand corner of your portal
  • Select the drop-down arrow for the menu
  • Select “Privacy Settings” and update your preferred settings
For more help, see this tutorial: How to Change FERPA (Privacy) Settings
If you have a FULL Confidentiality restriction, BYU-Pathway Support Center may not assist you or discuss the you unless you are physically present.
If you have a PART confidentiality restriction, BYU-Pathway Support Center may mention that you are enrolled, but will not talk to you about any details of your account unless you are physically present.
If you do not have any restrictions you will be asked to verify your account before we speak to you about your account and details.