These items are included in an enrollment verification:
  • Your name
  • Dates of attendance
  • Courses and credits that the student is currently enrolled and/or registered for
  • Gathering group day and time
  • Anticipated completion date
  • Cost
Enrollment Verification for those enrolled in PathwayConnect is now able to be requested through a student's portal. You will need to do the following:
  1. Sign in to your student portal
  2. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click on “Enrollment Verification” 
  4. Click on “Request an Enrollment Verification” in the popup window
  5. A new tab will open with a PDF of your enrollment verification that can be downloaded and printed
You do not need to pay any debt before receiving the verification.

Missionaries and Mentors may not request enrollment verification on behalf of the student.
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