You will sometimes have issues while trying to make a payment and have used many cards. You should make sure they follow the checklist below:
  • Use Firefox or Chrome/clear cache and cookies (See How to Clear Cache and Cookies)
  • Disable/remove pop-up blockers 
  • The card is activated / not expired
  • Credit/Debit card number is correct / security code is correct (3 digit verification number on the back of card)
  • Please compare the number you entered with the number on your card. Also, make sure that you have not entered any spaces or dashes
  • Make sure you use one of the following cards: Discover, MasterCard, VISA
  • Have sufficient funds in your bank account
  • Call the customer service number on the back of the card which will get you in contact with your bank
  • Check if there are any holds on their bank account restricting international payments (international students)
  • Keep in mind that multiple attempts of payment may result in the bank flagging / denying the transaction
  • Contact the bank and let them know that your transaction has been declined several times
In some situations, you may have an outstanding balance of less than $1. When this occurs, you are not able to pay for this balance and you may not be able to register for your next term of classes. 
In some situations, you may experience errors while making payments that prevent you from enrolling in the next term. Please fill out the following ticket to for your Mentor