PathwayConnect is a three-term program that facilitates you receiving higher education for a certificate or degree.
Through the non-degree granting PathwayConnect program, you are able to receive a tuition discount when applying to BYU-Idaho or Ensign College to receive your degree. You may apply to an online program at BYU-Idaho or Ensign College without going through the PathwayConnect program, however, you will not receive the tuition discount. When you successfully complete the PathwayConnect program you can apply to earn a certificate or degree from BYU-Idaho or Ensign College, consider a local college or university, get a new or improved job, or pursue a variety of other options.

Each course offered in the program is designed to help you learn skills and gain the confidence needed to succeed in college and life.
The Programs:  
The Preferred Path, known as PathwayConnect, helps to prepare you for success through academic and religious courses. This program helps build skills needed for higher education, and the workforce. PathwayConnect can be completed in 3 terms (21 weeks). The Advanced Path is connected to Ensign College and BYU-Idaho. This path allows for you to receive various certificates and receive a bachelor's degree. PathwayConnect does not have master’s programs at this time. To learn more about the various PathwayConnect programs see the ⁠Admissions Application Process. 
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PathwayConnect has been built around three objectives:
  1. Get the gospel down into students’ hearts.
Your testimony will grow as you enjoy the fellowship of other members of the Church and participate in courses taught within the framework of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Unlike other Church educational programs, participation in PathwayConnect is not contingent upon personal worthiness, which means an ecclesiastical interview is not necessary.
  1. Help students become capable learners.
PathwayConnect helps you build confidence in a supportive environment. You will take control of your own learning through a process of preparation, teaching others, and internalizing your learning through reflection and application. You can then go forward in faith, believing you are capable of achieving your goals.
  1. Prepare students to lead and support families.
PathwayConnect helps you gain skills, learn doctrines, and strengthen values that will enable you to gain meaningful employment as well as be better parents, providers, citizens, and Church members.
If you have questions like the ones below you can follow this link 
  1. How many students applied to the program last year and how many were accepted?
  2. How many dropped out or did not complete the program?
  3. What are the job placement rates for people who complete the program?
You do not pay additional costs for course materials. The PathwayConnect tuition cost covers all the online material that you are required to have.
PathwayConnect does not provide laptops, computers, phones, tablets, access to the internet, transportation, and other outside materials for your PathwayConnect courses. 
We advise you to use a laptop or desktop computer. You may use mobile devices such as Chromebooks, tablets, or iPads to access your PathwayConnect courses. Most modern mobile devices should run the latest browsers, which will allow you to access Canvas, and the free Microsoft 365 tools (See PC - Microsoft Office/Windows Downloaded). Newer mobile devices should also run Zoom properly for virtual gathering groups. There is, however, always a risk that older devices may not have the latest software needed to access these tools. If you have older devices, you should work to gain access to a newer device. Ideas include: borrowing time on someone else's device, or saving money to purchase something newer.
If you experience trouble with submitting coursework because of device issues you should make your instructors aware. It is up to you to work to resolve these issues.
BYU Pathway Worldwide does not provide reimbursement for outside material
An Enrollment Counselor works with potential students and returning students to provide them with information about the programs offered through BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Enrollment Counselors can help potential and returning students learn more about BYU-Pathway Worldwide, complete the application, and help with new student orientations.  
Contact an Enrollment Counselor 
You can connect with an Enrollment Counselor by letting the BYU-Pathway Bot know that you need help enrolling by visiting our webpage and clicking "Need Help" in the bottom right corner. 