Article Overview
Individuals can request a payment receipt for specific semesters and credits (i.e., students may require an invoice to verify tuition amounts if their employer offers tuition reimbursement). We do 3 types of receipts:
  • Itemized Receipt
  • Invoice
  • General 
Students can request automated finance statements through their student portal by following this process:
  1. Log into the Student Portal
  2. Click “Finances” (on the top middle of the page)
  3. Click “Finance Statement”
  4. Click “Print Statement” (on the top right side of the page)
Students who were PathwayConnect Students 2012-2015 may need to access all receipts and transaction records through BYU-Idaho. Students can retrieve that information by following the instructions in the tutorial provided: Accessing Receipts From Cash Net/Transact
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