You will need to contact your Peer Mentor if you need to change your gathering group location. The Peer Mentor will need information such as the reason for transferring, name, email, ID number, and if you are moving to new location (country, and address).
When to Transfer Gatherings
  • When you are moving
  • Extenuating Circumstances 
Tuition Changes
Tuition is based on where a student is located. If you transfers to a new location your tuition may be changed. Please view PC - Tuition Cost.
If you are traveling and are unable to attend your assigned gathering group(s) you may attend another gathering group and still obtain attendance credit. If you attend a physical gathering group you may visit a virtual gathering group. If you attend a virtual gathering group you may attend a physical gathering group.  
You are encouraged to attend a gathering group with the same course as your own; however, if you do not have that option you may attend any PathwayConnect gathering group. (This does not apply to institute courses.) 
There is no limit to the number of times you can visit a location. 
See PC - Institute