Article Overview



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President Clark G. Gilbert has stated, “Providing access to education is a critical component to what we do at BYU-Pathway, but it is equally important to give students, especially students at risk of not completing, the opportunity and tools they need to finish what they started.” BYU-Pathway Mentors are one of the many tools that we provide to you to help them through the program. In efforts to increase retention, BYU-Pathway created its own Mentoring program.   
Mentors are BYU-Pathway Online Degree students who are trained to support other BYU-Pathway students in their local areas. Every student, including you, in PathwayConnect or who is in the Online Degree program at BYU-Pathway will be assigned a Mentor. If you lack confidence or support, don’t have a clear plan, or if you find yourself overwhelmed with your responsibilities, you may need extra support to get through your educational endeavors.  
Mentors focus on providing instructional and developmental support for students at risk which allows them to direct their own path and overcome the challenges they face. They are guides meant to remind students of their purpose, give them the power to succeed, and help them to create a plan that will allow them to continue in BYU-Pathway.  
Mentors help students establish and maintain successful habits including time management, study skills, and goal setting. Mentors also help guide students through difficult life circumstances by offering resources and are there to be a supportive, encouraging, and motivating voice throughout their BYU-Pathway educational experience.
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Mentors are remote (work from home) contractors and work part-time (approximately 20 hrs/week) 
Mentors are BYU-Pathway Online Degree students hired and managed by a third-party company called Bloom. 
Our Mentors are passionate about BYU-Pathway Worldwide and helping students remain in the program. 
Mentors will act as a single point of contact for an assigned roster of 75 students. 
Mentors work with all students across all programs offered by BYU-Pathway Worldwide which includes PathwayConnect and PWOL Online Degree students. 
Mentors are NOT:
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Tutors
  • Instructors
  • Tech Support beyond troubleshooting tips in the Knowledge Base 
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If you do not want contact from your Mentor, submit a complaint/grievance form found in your student portal.
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Below is a list of Q&A responses that may be used to help address frequently asked questions by students regarding mentoring: 
What do Mentors do? 
A Mentor is your designated Support Agent and Mentor. The Mentor provides both proactive/reactive communication to support and retain students, as well as submits tickets to the BYU-Pathway Worldwide organization for concerns or questions they are unable to answer.  
What questions can Mentors answer?
A Mentor will be the single contact for you if you have the following questions. 
Examples of such questions include: 
  • How can I better manage my time?
  • How can I stay motivated?
  • Do I have what it takes to finish the program?
  • Why is this worth the effort to get an education?
  • How do I get there from here?
  • How do I pay for school?
  • How do I manage my personal finances?
  • How do I manage the stress of being a student?
  • How do I keep track of important tasks?
  • How do I balance school into my life?
  • How can this degree/certificate get me a job?
  • How can I contact my instructor?
  • Where can I get tutoring help?
  • How do I access my assignments?
  • How do I register? 
Bot Team: if a student asks the bot the following questions please say the following:
Thank you for asking this question! Your Mentor will be happy to help answer that question. Do you know who your Mentor is?
  • Yes - please reach out to them for further help
  • No - please provide the contact information for their  mentor
Who do Mentors serve, and what areas are Mentors currently in? 
Mentors will be assigned a small roster of students from their local area. Domestic students are served by international Mentors. All registered students are assigned a Mentor.   
Why do I have a Mentor? 
A Mentor (international student worker) is dedicated to supporting you from enrollment to graduation.Mentors (at low ratios) help you to persist, retain, complete, matriculate, and provide a single contact for all of your questions.   
Why don’t I have a Mentor? 
All registered BYU-Pathway students should have a Mentor. If you are not sure who your Mentor is, you can submit a Mentor complaint/grievance form found in your student portal.  
I have a question for my Mentor. How do I know who they are? How do I contact them? 
Mentors will proactively reach out weekly and provide their contact information. You can receive contact information from the BYU-Pathway Guide by asking the chat "Who is my mentor?"  
I don’t want a Mentor. How do I get them to stop contacting me? 
If you do not wish to be contacted by the mentor, you should let the mentor know you do not want to be contacted. 
I haven’t heard from my Mentor. What should I do? 
You can fill out the Mentor Complaints and Grievances form in your student portal.   
How do I apply to be a Mentor and what are the qualifications?
The current qualifications for a Mentor are listed below:
  • Must be 18 or older
  • Current Online Degree student
  • Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Strong English skills    
Mentors are hired through an agency called Bloom. Bloom's hiring processes and decisions are completely separate from BYU-Pathway Worldwide. We are not able to provide insights or timelines on Bloom's hiring processes. 
For more information, please complete this form: Mentor Referrals
If I have a Mentor, do I still have a normal Mentor? 
No. Your Mentor will now be your single point of contact. 
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You may submit a concern about your Mentor by going to your Student Portal > Resources > Peer Mentor Problem. You will then be directed to fill out the Mentor Concern Form.