Article Overview
In order for you to receive a tuition refund, they must withdraw completely from PathwayConnect.

You will receive the refund and a notification once it has been processed and cleared from your account which can take up to 3-5 business days.

Refunds go back to the method of payment that was used when the payment was made. If you changed banks since paying your tuition, you will need to contact your old bank to receive the refund. 

If you used a credit card to make a payment, the credit card processing fee cannot be refunded.

You cannot request your refund to be transferred to a future semester.
Depending on when you withdraw from the program and if you made a full or partial payment, will determine how much of a refund you will receive. The system will let you know of the percentage you will receive. See the following:
  • You will receive a 100% tuition refund until the auto-drop date. If you are auto-dropped, you will also receive a full refund/credit
  • Full refunds are available until the last day of the auto drop. After the auto drop date, you will no longer receive a full refund/credit for your tuition and your refund/credit will be equal to the percentage for the day you withdraw. Each day, the percentage rate drops, starting at 78% and ending at 40%. Once 40% is reached there is no refund/credit issued
  • Paid in full - You will receive a refund of a percentage due back based on your withdrawal date
  • Partial Payment – You could have both a refund and credit (money back and still owe) based on your withdrawal date. This credit will turn into Bad Debt if you have not paid it by the upcoming semester
  • No Payment – You will receive a credit (money owed) of the percentage due based on your withdrawal date. This credit will turn into Bad Debt if you have not paid it by the upcoming semester.
Those who did PathwayConnect back in 2014 or earlier made payments through the BYU-Idaho’s system. You will need to contact BYU-Idaho Bursar's Office if you have questions about payments.