Article Overview



Online tutoring is available for all students enrolled in PathwayConnect courses. 
This includes foundation courses (PCB/PCIB 101, 102, 103 are serviced through BYU-Idaho), as well as some gateway certificate courses (e.g. BUSPC 115, CSEPC 111). The following link shows the steps for accessing PathwayConnect tutoring: PathwayConnect Tutoring Guide. This guide can be given to students as a resource. 


BYU-Idaho ServicesFor PCB/PCIB 101, 102, 103 and some gateway certificate courses 

BYU-Idaho provides free tutoring for PathwayConnect courses. Those in PCB/PCIB 101, 102, & 103 can use the writing and math tutoring available.

Ensign CollegesFor some gateway certificate courses 

Students enrolled in Ensign Introductory Certificate courses can refer to these Get a Tutor  

To sign up for course-specific tutoring, follow the instructions in this tutorial.
The hours of the tutoring center depend on available tutors. You will need to go through I-Plan to see the schedule and available times.