


If you are a non-participating student, you will be dropped from PathwayConnect on the Tuesday of the third week of each term. You will not be able to re-enroll for the current term but can apply/continue the program in a future term. 


Non-participation is never having submitted an assignment on Canvas by Monday of the third week by, 11:59 pm MST. 

  • Attending a gathering group meeting does not count as participation.

If you are enrolled in two courses, but only participating in one course, you will not be dropped from either course. 

If you are an auto-dropped student, you will not receive a grade or a ‘W’ on your transcript. You will receive a full refund if you are automatically dropped. 


  1. Help students be accountable
  2. Help students not to accrue debt

Bot Information 


If you are an auto-dropped student, you will receive a full refund. If you have not paid, the charges will be excused for that term. 

See article PC - Tuition Refunds
