Physical Location Gathering Groups
If you are enrolled in a physical gathering group you are expected to attend all gathering groups during the term in person. Gathering groups via Skype, phone, or similar means is not permitted.

You should plan your schedule accordingly and make any necessary arrangements to attend each gathering group. If you will miss more than one gathering group (but no more than three) because of a temporary issue, you should contact your instructor and refer to the course syllabus for the attendance policy.
If you expect to miss more than three gathering groups due to extenuating circumstances, you could potentially qualify for a gathering group waiver for a portion of or an entire term. If you are requesting to not attend a gathering group due to a scheduling conflict, first look at changing gathering group times (by following the process in PC - Gathering Group Location Transfer/Visiting)

Gathering group waivers are not common, and you need to submit a petition in order to be considered for a waiver. Please fill out this ticket for Enrollment Services for additional support.

If you submit a petition and it is granted, you will be provided with information on how long the gathering group waiver will be valid. (only up to one full term.)
Online course instructors may excuse a student who missed a gathering group in the event of rare, extenuating circumstances, as determined by the instructor. These circumstances include a natural disaster, death in the family, medical emergency, birth of a child, or another serious or unsafe situation. If you need to ask for more than three such excusals, please fill out this ticket.
In very rare instances, PathwayConnect missionaries may need to cancel a gathering group due to extreme weather, unsafe situations, or other emergencies.
  • You will not lose attendance points for approved gathering group cancellations
  • You must contact your instructors, explain the circumstances for the cancellation, and request to be excused from the week’s gathering group
The PathwayConnect Home Office will notify missionaries and students of holidays that may impact the gathering group during each term. You will need to contact your instructors about due dates.
Specific Holidays
  • US Independence Day - If Independence Day falls on the day of the gathering:
    • Domestic gatherings will be canceled
    • International Virtual Gatherings hosted by domestic missionaries held on Independence Day should be hosted by a lead student if the missionaries cannot host
  • Pioneer Day - If Pioneer Day falls on the day of the gathering:
    • Domestic gatherings held on Pioneer Day in Utah and Rexburg, Idaho will be canceled.
    • Virtual gatherings hosted by missionaries in Utah and Rexburg, Idaho held on Pioneer Day should be hosted by a lead student if the missionaries cannot host
  • Halloween - If Halloween falls on the night of the gathering:
    • Domestic in-person gatherings held on Halloween night will be canceled
    • International virtual gatherings hosted by domestic missionaries held on Halloween night should be hosted by a lead student if the missionaries cannot host
  • US Thanksgiving - for gatherings held during the week of Thanksgiving (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday):
    • Domestic gatherings held on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be canceled
    • International virtual gatherings hosted by domestic missionaries held on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday should be hosted by a lead student if the missionaries cannot host
  • International Holidays - The decision to cancel the gathering in specific areas on international holidays will be determined by Area Managers.