Gathering Groups Site/Location
A PathwayConnect site is a specific geographic area that is being serviced to offer PathwayConnect gathering groups. Sites are composed of multiple locations - in those locations, you will learn together in groups called “gathering groups” which are based on age.

Gathering Group Purpose
Gathering groups will helps you do the following:
  • Plant the gospel deep in your hearts
  • Build meaningful relationships
  • Deepen learning
  • Gain leadership skills
  • Improve English abilities
  • Prepare for further education
You are assigned to a group and gather weekly with that group throughout the program. When applying to PathwayConnect, you will indicate your age, and address. Based on your answers, you will be placed into a group within a location.

Age Groups
There are generally three age groups:
  • Age 18–30: Young adults age 18–30; typically gather at a local Institute facility 
  • Age 31+: Adults age 31+; typically gather at a local stake center or meetinghouse
  • Age 18+: This group combines the 18-30 and 31+
If you turn 31 after the term has started, you will be in the 18-30 group and attend Institute until you finish PathwayConnect, unless you take a term off. In this case, when you return, you will be in the 31+ group.

Selecting a Group
If you have not been assigned to a group can do the following:
  • Log into your student portal
  • Click on "My Gathering Place" on the left-hand side of the page
  • Click “Select Group”
If you are still not assigned to a group or there are not any groups for your location yet, you will need to reach out to the lead missionaries of your location.
If a location has an abundance of a particular age group, the missionaries will separate those groups into more groups.
Age & Change
If you want to change your age group, please fill out the exception request form (general petition link).
PathwayConnect courses run for 7 weeks each complete the PathwayConnect program. Here is the Academic Calendar

Gathering Group
  • Gathering groups are facilitated by PathwayConnect missionaries and lead students. They last for 60 minutes.
After you have enrolled, you can find the time and place of your gathering group by doing the following:
  • Sign in to your Student Portal 
  • Click “My Gathering Place” on the left-hand side of the page
  • The Student Portal will show the gathering group time in your current time zone.
Virtual gathering groups are held via ZOOM and are facilitated by service missionaries. It is not required for you to have your own ZOOM account since your instructors will send you a link inviting them to join a virtual meeting. You can find the gathering group link in your student portal under “My Gathering Place.”

Gathering group times are based on time zones and availability in specific areas of the world.

All graduation requirements still apply to virtual students.

You can receive Zoom help by going to these tutorials:
Zoom Video Tutorials
Joining A Meeting Tutorial
It is recommended you do not bring your children, family members, friends, or other visitors with you to the weekly gathering groups.

If you, or you know of someone, who is interested in observing a PathwayConnect gathering group prior to applying all potential students are always welcome. The visitor will need to contact the missionary of the gathering group in order to observe prior to attending.
Rather than a lecture-based educational process, you have the opportunity to lead students in the class. You are directed to engage fellow classmates in discussions and learning activities, with the goal of engaging everyone.

You are not required to participate as a lead student; however, it is strongly encouraged. Any questions regarding being a lead student should be directed to your site missionaries.

Lead Student Tools
To access lead student tools (including the virtual gathering group), you can do the following:
  • Sign in to the course on Canvas
  • Click "Modules"
  • Scroll down and click "Lead Student Tools" at the bottom of the page
1. Question: My Gathering Group time or location (or Zoom link) is not posted or not working. What should I do?
Answer: You should contact your missionary. Missionary contact information is in your student portal, left side navigation area. 
2. Question: Is my gathering group for Institute and this class the same? 
Answer: No. They are different. If you need details for your institute class, they should click on the “MyInstitute” link in the student portal (right side of screen). It will open another window ( where your institute details will appear. 
3. Question: It looks like my Institute course and Pathway gathering group are scheduled for the same time. What should I do?
Answer: You may choose to change either your PathwayConnect gathering group or Institute course times. You may visit MyInstitute to change your Institute gathering group time or email for more information.
4. Question: I had a link to my gathering group in the Pathway Portal and then it disappeared. How can I get the link back? 
Answer: If the PathwayConnect gathering group link is no longer appearing in my student portal, please contact your missionaries. Missionary contact information is in the student portal, left side navigation area. 