Article Overview


PathwayConnect applications are submitted online at BYU-Pathway Worldwide's website.
If you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, you have to apply using the church account that has your Membership Record Number (MRN) associated with it*. For members who apply to PathwayConnect from an account without their MRN attached or for those who create more than one Pathway account, please contact your Peer Mentor.
Resume Application
If you exit the application before finishing, you can return to the application and click on “Apply Now”. The application will save the information you have previously entered. 

For more help, see this tutorial: How to Apply to PathwayConnect
*MRN needs to be used by those who are members of The Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Employee Procedure
See the article PC - Admission Decisions for information regarding accepting and denying an offer.
See the article PC - Admission Requirements for information regarding eligibility to apply.
See article PC - Returning Students for information regarding students who took PathwayConnect courses in the past and would like to return.
See article PC - Course Registration for students in their 2nd & 3rd terms wanting to register for next term.

See article PC - Dates and Deadlines for students who want to know important deadlines and what to do if they applied after the deadline.
The personal information page collects the necessary information to apply to PathwayConnect. The student is required to provide:
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • Full Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
They may also optionally provide: 
  • Other Phone Number
  • WhatsApp Number
  • Facebook Messenger Handle
Some of the above information may be auto populated from their church account. Corrections to their personal information can be made within the student portal after successfully completing the application and being admitted.
Employee Procedure
Incorrect Name or Birthdate While Applying
The applicant’s name and birthdate are usually populated from their church account. If an applicant’s name or birthdate displays incorrectly and they cannot edit it, the applicant likely needs to have it corrected on the church account. Members may need to contact their local unit clerk for assistance (See PC - Personal Information Change).
Address Issues
If an applicant experiences technical issues preventing them from entering their location information, go straight to the “Troubleshooting & Escalating Tickets” section and follow the directions under the heading “Technical Support" Queue.
Entering Email Address Issues
Applicants should provide an active email address that has not already been used on another application or by another applicant. Applicants may receive an error stating that the email they provided is already in use. If this occurs, the applicant has either started another application previously or another applicant has already used that email address.
  • Ask the student if they have started an application previously. If yes, ask them to continue the first application to prevent duplicate accounts.
  • If another applicant has already used that email address: 
    • If they believe they know the individual who has already used that email (maybe a family member or friend), they may see if that student/applicant is willing to change their email address so that they can continue with the application process.  IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances can we provide information or the enrollment status of another student who shares the same email with another student (See PC - Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)). Simply explain that another student may have used that email already and explain their options to them (Have the other person change their email or use a different email)
    • If none of the above solutions work, the applicant will need to use a different email address not already in use. 
Created Another Account Previously:
Email Verification
  • If the applicant is a non-member or a member who has not applied from an account without their MRN attached, they will be required to verify their email address before continuing.
    • This is done through email that is sent to the applicant’s email address. If the applicant does not receive the verification email, ensure they typed their email correctly and encourage them to check their spam/junk folder.
  • If they are a member of the church but are not applying from an account with their MRN attached, you may also invite them to apply again using an account with MRN attached.
  • If all the above fails, go to the “Troubleshooting & Escalating Tickets” section and follow the directions under the heading Technical Support" Queue.
The background check portion of the application collects information necessary to assess whether the student meets PathwayConnect admission requirements. They are required to report and answer questions about any previous criminal convictions. Applications for individuals with previous criminal convictions may take additional time to review and process. They should keep an eye on their email for requests for additional information, acceptance letters, or denial notices. (personal sins do not correlate to crime this is just a reminder to students)
Employee Procedure
Violent or Sexual Convictions
Applicants who have been convicted of a violent and/or sexual crime are able to continue with the application, but upon finishing the application are placed under manual review instead of being admitted. The Enrollment Services--PathwayConnect team reviews these applicants and determines whether they meet admission requirements. If there is not sufficient information to make a decision, the Enrollment Services--PathwayConnect team will send a follow-up email requesting additional information. The applicant must respond with all requested information for their admission to be considered. Applicants who do not complete this process before the priority deadline might be required to apply again later for a future term.
To verify whether an applicant is under manual review, check the applicant’s account in Path. If an orange triangle with an exclamation mark is displayed next to the “Enrollment” tab, the applicant is currently under manual review.

Do NOT tell the student they are under manual review, but that a request for additional documentation has been sent to their email and for them to fill out the information. 

  • If the student has filled out the documentation, but the student has not been admitted yet, send a ticket to the Enrollment Services--PathwayConnect team (ESPC Queue) to follow up. 
Students may need to complete an English Language Assessment before being admitted into the program.
See PC - English Language Assessment (ELA) for general information about the English Language Assessment. 
Employee Procedure
On the offer acceptance page, the student is able to:
  • Confirm enrollment details
  • Review tuition charges
  • Review and agree to program requirements, terms and conditions, information release, and privacy release.
They should thoroughly review this information before continuing. At the end of the accept offer page, they can choose to either accept or decline their offer of admission*. Unless further review is required, applicants who accept their offer of admission are enrolled immediately into PathwayConnect. Applicants who decline their offer are not enrolled and their application will be canceled.
Those Who Decline an Offer of Admission (On Purpose or by Accident)
Students must restart and complete another application in order to receive a new offer of admission. 
*Program Agreements- Applicants are required to accept all agreements on the offer acceptance page to enroll in PathwayConnect. Applicants are not permitted to “opt out” of any of these conditions of admission. 
Employee Procedure
Program Agreements
Applicants are required to accept all agreements on the offer acceptance page to enroll in PathwayConnect. Applicants are not permitted to “opt out” of any of these conditions of admission. 
See PC - Institute.
Employee Procedure
For issues discussed in the sections above you may skip straight to the Technical Support" Queue steps below. For issues not discussed in the above sections, you should complete troubleshooting steps with the student. Errors that are most likely to be resolved by troubleshooting often include:
  • Issues signing into an account

  • Issues with the application displaying in an unusual format

  • Issues with the application not loading correctly

  • Issues where the student receives a “400” or “bad request” error


If an applicant experiences any of these types of errors, please have them follow the steps below:

  • Switching web browsers (Firefox or Chrome)

  • Clearing cache and cookies and/or history (See How to Clear Cache and Cookies)

  • Use a laptop or desktop computer. Tablets, Chromebooks, iPads, and mobile phones may not have the required plug-ins or system requirements for the application

  • You can also try and use an Incognito tab


If going through troubleshooting steps does not resolve the issue, complete the steps in Technical Support" Queue below.
Employee Procedure
Create a Bug/Technical Support Ticket
If an applicant experiences issues with the offer acceptance page, create a ticket with the following information:
  • Escalate to = Technical Support" Queue
  • System Impacted = “Application”
  • Fill out all remaining required fields
  • In the escalation description, provide a detailed description of the issue the student is experiencing. Answer the following:
    • What task is the student trying to do?
    • What is preventing them from accomplishing that task?
    • What does the student see?
    • What troubleshooting steps were already attempted?
  • A screenshot of the student's issue showing their full screen.